This website shows my work in various creative disciplines. I am available as free-lancer, and you can commission illustrations, graphic design or interior design work. Equally, my photographs are for sale. Please use the Contact field if you are interested!
Here’s a bit of background:
I graduated from the Graphic Lyceum Amsterdam in 1994 (Graphic & Illustrative Design), and got a bachelor’s degree from the Art Academy Utrecht, The Netherlands in 1998 (Illustrative Design). Next, I worked for several years as a free-lance designer. However, I got ‘distracted’ on an Island in the Atlantic in 2000 and became involved in studying the social life of Risso’s dolphins (Azores, Portugal). During this period my work shifted to wild life photography, filming, editing, and scientific research. I received a PhD degree in Marine Biology in 2015 but never lost my interest in design and art. At present, I work half of my time on my post-doctoral research concerning the Social Intelligence of dolphins and on a free-lance base as illustrator/designer.
Karin Hartman